Back to Earth
I am happy with the new work. It feels odd to say that. I’m used to feeling full of doubt,

Impressions – a completely new way of working
It was the coldest, bleakest part of this last winter. That was when my right arm was gripped with such intense pain that I had to stop working with the clay. I was not happy! But it turned out that this was an opportunity to completely rethink my making process.

giving bowls / sharing bowls
The Giving Bowls have just raised over £350 for the Stroud District Foodbank. I’m delighted. They seems to have found a real purpose in life, and their development is a story that is still giving life lessons to me.

Clay, nature and us – an interview
An interview with Grant about his creative life and the 2023 exhibition.

The story of Ecos
Ecos is a sculpture about us and nature, telling the 5000 year story of how our changing relationship with nature has led to today’s ecological and climate crises, and how re-evaluating that relationship holds the key to the future; for us and our planet.

Earth first bowl
When I was scraping the outside of my first coil pot with an old veneer saw blade to break up

birch bark vase
The mixture of matt and shiny white glazes and the way they interact reminded me very much of the birch

inspiration rocks
The other day I went in search of a beach that I last visited almost 20 years ago. It had